News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Grandchildren, Hooking & Dyeing Wool, November 17, 2019

For the past week, my daughter Jenna and her daughter, Sophie had been visiting with me and Denver. Grammy loves having both of her grandchildren in the same house at the same time, I am so blessed. The above picture is of my grandson, Denver and granddaughter Sophie.

I said to my daughter that the week was going to be busy for me, I have the regular Tuesday hooking group here, packing up my shop to vend Wednesday in Truro, Thursday unpacking, Friday taking Jenna and Sophie back to Halifax. The...

Memories, November 11, 2019

There is a song by Barbara Streisand that sings about memories, ....'made in the moonlight'....., a very romantic song and one that comes to my mind when I think of the word memories. Does a song come to your mind when a certain word or phrase is said? If we are lucky, we have memories, we can think back to when this or that occurred. Our memories can be our version of what we remember, whether they are exactly accurate or not is hard to say. As we grow older, we...

As The Geese Fly, November 06, 2019

A flock of geese were flying over head on Sunday as I walked to my mothers, their honking was if they were saying, 'see you next spring'! I felt a little envious that they were getting out of the cold and to some place warm but I know I wouldn't want to live any where else, I so enjoy the seasons.

I traveled to Black Point on Saturday with 3 other rug hookers to attend the St. Margaret's Bay Schoolhouse, annual Harvest Hook-In. It was a great time. A few pictures...

Customer/Clients, October 27, 2019

Do you ever catch yourself saying to yourself, 'I sure wish this store or that store cared about their customers!' 'I wish I didn't feel like a number at this store!' 'Why do I get the feeling the store doesn't care one way or another if I shop there?' Frankly I have these feelings from time to time and then it makes me feel like I don't want to spend my money at that store ever again. The customer/client is key to any business, why don't more businesses realize this?


Hook-Ins and Fibre Arts Festival`s OH MY! October 20, 2019

Tuesday, the Town and Country Thrummers hosted their annual hook-in at the Knights of Columbus. I was the vendor and it was so great to see new and old friends. I so appreciate each and everyone of my customers. A few pictures from the day below.

Debbie Lessard was finishing up one of her fabulous rugs, see below.

Carolyn Ames had a couple of her rugs to show off as well.
