Do you ever catch yourself saying to yourself, 'I sure wish this store or that store cared about their customers!' 'I wish I didn't feel like a number at this store!' 'Why do I get the feeling the store doesn't care one way or another if I shop there?' Frankly I have these feelings from time to time and then it makes me feel like I don't want to spend my money at that store ever again. The customer/client is key to any business, why don't more businesses realize this?
I think I have the 'best' customers in the world. Always so willing to work with me, give honest feedback, friendly, considerate of others and not hard to get along with. I care very much about my customers and want you to be happy that you've spent your hard earned monies in my studio. It is an honor actually when you do purchase my products and I don't take you for granted. You are the reason I can do what I love to do, hand dye wool fabric and yarns.
I just love it when customer's share their finished or work in process rugs. It is so inspiring for you and me to see the rugs. Thank you for allowing me to share your works of art, here on my blog and Facebook.
The below rug was hooked by Christine Antle. Christine contacted me wanting purple and orange over sparkle wool fabric. I had never thought to dye purple and orange over sparkle wool and it looks amazing. This was a free pattern from the Rug Hooking Magazine (2015). It is so pretty, what a great job Christine did.
Kate Thornhill finished a commission piece. The photo on the left is what she was to duplicate and on the right is the result. It is hooked with wool yarn. I had dyed up some yarn for the daisies. I think Kate did an awesome job.
My granddaughter Sophie needs to have a Christmas stocking for her first Christmas. My daughter Jenna, asked if it could be a mermaid tail, and she said she wants it to be 'light salmon' color. I drew out a pattern and began work on it this week. The darker areas are hooked using velvet I had purchased from Dianne Tobias. The rest will be my hand dyed wool fabric. The second picture below is a close up of the velvet, I think it looks fabulous! It isn't as dark as it looks in the photo's.
I managed to get the last leaf done in my Bluenose Maple Leaf pattern. Now to get the background hooked.
Hope you all have a fabulous week!