News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Strawberry Time, July 30, 2017

Strawberry Time, July 30, 2017

I hope everyone is having a great summer. My husband Eldon, spent the last week in the hospital but we are now back home and all is well!  Friends and family built Eldon a ramp for his wheelchair which was so needed.  I can't thank them enough. Here is a picture of us coming home on Thursday using the ramp for the first time.

hank you for your continued prayers, they are certainly welcomed.

I love strawberry season and the featured picture for this weeks blog is of my dessert I made tonight, strawberry shortcake.  I make a sweet biscuit...

Summer Time, July 16, 2017

Summer Time, July 16, 2017

I think it is officially summer now.  Warm weather, lots of bugs.  Hold onto it as long as you can, the warmer weather part, the bugs, well they can just fly away!

It has been a very busy week here at the shop.  I received my textured/plaids I had ordered from Heavens to Betsy, they are so lovely.  Come into the shop to see them!

Yesterday my brother in-law and son worked away at building a ramp for my husbands wheelchair.  So happy to see one finally coming together.  Lots more work to be done but knowing my brother in-law,...