News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Out and About, July 11, 2021

It is so wonderful to see our neighbors from New Brunswick and PEI visit Della's Rug Hooking Studio.  Restrictions have finally lifted and we are all breathing a sigh of relief and getting to see family and friends, priceless! 

I'm posting another photo of clouds.  If I post enough photos of clouds, maybe I'll get motivated to start my cloud rug.

I was able to finally finish up a couple of rugs that I had finished hooking but had not finished the edge.

Ema, was a rug hooking zoom class by...

Canada Day and Independence Day, July 4, 2021

Happy Canada day to all of my Canadian family, friends and fellow rug hookers.  Today is Independence Day in the US, happy day to you as well!  It has been a very rainy weekend in my neck of the woods.  I hope you were able to get together with family and friends.

The above colour I hadn't realized I missed posting onto my web site.  It is called Wonder of the Deep.  Isn't it gorgeous? I have placed it under the category of A League of Their Own.

Future Events: Reminder...

Strawberry Season, June 27, 2021

The strawberries are out! Hear the people rejoice from the mountain tops! I stopped at Masstown on my way home from Halifax today and knew the fresh strawberries would be out.  All hauled and washed ready to eat.  What is your favorite season?

I haven't started my 'cloud' rugs as of yet.  Do you ever find you have to be 'in' the right mood to rug hook?  I'm just not there yet.  I saw this picture below on Facebook and had to take it as reference as it has a pretty...

Cloud 9 Anyone? June 20, 2021

Have you noticed the clouds the last few weeks?  If you live in Northern Nova Scotia you may have noticed the spectacular formation the clouds have been making. I can’t describe adequately nor take a good enough picture of them but the above picture is a recent photo of the clouds around me.  They seem to be rolling, puffy, go from dark grey to light grey to various shades of white and all sorts of sizes. For some reason I need to hook clouds. I went to my stash, grabbed all...

The Pain Of It All, June 13, 2021

Our June has been shaping up to be very beautiful so far and had record heat waves already as well.  Everyone is saying how their flowering shrubs and bushes seem to be very amazing this year.  Hopefully the trees that reward with fruits are bountiful as well.

A short update on my daughter who I have with me for a few weeks helping to take care of her after she had triple jaw surgery.  It will be a week tomorrow since her surgery and we have decided today, `she will live`. ...