The Pain Of It All, June 13, 2021

Our June has been shaping up to be very beautiful so far and had record heat waves already as well.  Everyone is saying how their flowering shrubs and bushes seem to be very amazing this year.  Hopefully the trees that reward with fruits are bountiful as well.

A short update on my daughter who I have with me for a few weeks helping to take care of her after she had triple jaw surgery.  It will be a week tomorrow since her surgery and we have decided today, `she will live`.  It has been rough for her, no other way to put it.  She is hopefully now on the other side of it and it will only get better from here on out!  Thank you to everyone who have sent kind regards and have asked about her welfare.  We truly appreciate it!

I haven`t been doing much in the `hooking department`nor have I finished whipping the edge of my Holly Hill Design rug either.  I will update once done.

In the mail this week, Lois Poitras has been working away at her lovely rug.  Della`s Rug Hooking has provided most of the fabric and yarns for this piece.  Great job Lois. Please share with us once done.

Have a good week everyone!

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  • Take care of Jenna. Is Sophie there too? Hope that Jenna keeps improving.
    Take care, Barb

    • Barbara Black
  • Take of our Jenna, lots of time for other projects. Like I said, you are the world’s best Momm! <3

    • Debra Ackles Adams