News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

January 29, 2017

January 29, 2017

January is nearly over already. Where has the time gone? Nova Scotian’s have been fortunate as we have had a great winter so far, not a lot of snow and not a lot of cold but February isn’t here as of yet!

When I decided I would blog about my Tall Ship Tales rug, I hadn’t realized how accountable that was going to make me and push me to do more.

I worked on this rug a couple evenings this week and a ‘lot’ this weekend, so I’m happy with my progress. Let me walk you through this weeks hooking...

Canada & Indepdence Day, July 4, 2017

Canada & Indepdence Day, July 4, 2017

July 1st in Canada was celebrated this past weekend.  It was rainy and wet but perfect days to get things done inside and I didn't feel guilty about not being outside getting other things done like weeding, mowing, etc.  I'm sure those that wanted to do outdoor activities for the Canada Day festivities or campers probably didn't like the rain at all.  Unfortunately we don't control mother nature and we my as well just make the best of it.

July 4th in the US is celebrated tomorrow. Happy Independence day to our American neighbors.

What do we have to celebrate? ...

Della's Rug Hooking Shop, June 26, 2017

Della's Rug Hooking Shop, June 26, 2017

A customer asked me this weekend how long I have been hooking and when I had opened my shop?  I began hooking in 2006 and opened my shop in December 2015. In the basement of my home I have a small dye kitchen and studio.

My web page went live ( beginning of 2017.

I am a firm believer there is a silver lining in every cloud, my husband has decided he's my new CEO of Della's Rug Hooking and would love to help in the shop. I work full time outside of the home and now that my husband...

Father's Day, June 19, 2017

Father's Day, June 19, 2017

Where has the time gone?  Father's Day already which should be the sign, that summer has arrived.  It has been very cold here in Nova Scotia but we had a few days that were 'oh my so hot'.  I've been at the hospital the last few weeks with my husband and I thank all of you who continue to pray and ask about him.  He's doing the best I've seen him so far and he's in good spirits and is back home.  The feature picture for this weeks blog is of my husband Eldon.  He wanted to visit his sister...

Re-Organizing and New Friends, May 29, 2017

Re-Organizing and New Friends, May 29, 2017

Trying to make the most of a small space is challenging and I love it! The featured picture for this blog, you can see a new rack I've put up in my shop. My husband had made it to hang/display rugs and I think I can put it to better use by hanging some wool and patterns from it. The below racks I've organized my colors from light to medium to dark.

Three ladies from BC surprised me late last Friday by dropping into my shop. They are a group of friends traveling around Eastern Canada from Western Canada. They...