Della's Rug Hooking Shop, June 26, 2017

A customer asked me this weekend how long I have been hooking and when I had opened my shop?  I began hooking in 2006 and opened my shop in December 2015. In the basement of my home I have a small dye kitchen and studio.

My web page went live ( beginning of 2017.

I am a firm believer there is a silver lining in every cloud, my husband has decided he's my new CEO of Della's Rug Hooking and would love to help in the shop. I work full time outside of the home and now that my husband is home, the shop is open daily.  Warning, he's a chatty Kathy, so be prepared! Walk-ins are always welcome.  The tea and coffee pots are on.

I've been busy in the dye pots this weekend.  Timing is everything and time was on my side this weekend.  The featured picture you can see my Provincial Flower rug completed and hanging from my sign on my lawn.  I think it looks fabulous and just in time for July 1st!

One perfect rose has appeared on the new rose bush my daughter had planted when she was home. It smells as wonderful as it looks.

This rose inspired me to dye up some different colors this weekend keeping in mind the ability to hook from the green stems/leaves to the tip of the flower.

My friend Joanne said this looks like lupines.  It very well could, let your imagination do the work.

Have a fabulous week everyone!

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