News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Spring? Winter? Which is it?

Flowers are a growing even if it is snowing.

Spring Has Arrived, March 21, 2021

The picture above was so cute not to share. Certainly looks like spring where that lamb is but we have a ways to go here in Nova Scotia. Temperatures have certainly got warmer, at least we are on the plus side of the thermostat. Snow is still plentiful in places.

Our local rug hooking group, The Town & County Thrummers, were sad to learn of the passing, of our dear friend and fellow rug hooker, Heather Wilkes. I have been working on moving all of my blogs from my old web...

Time Change, March, 2021

We have all seen a lot of changes in the last year. Change is the new norm it seems. My body has been waiting for this spring time change for a few weeks, I will be very happy to hopefully be still asleep past 5 a.m. tomorrow.

My daughter Jenna and her family were here since last Friday for the weekend. It is a blur when you have an almost 2 year old running around. Sophie is such a joy, knows her own mind and loves to rug hook, loves to...

Reflection, March 08, 2021

There is a country tune that speaks to how you are remembered when you are gone versus 'if' they will remember you. It always stops me in my tracks and I reflect on my own actions and 'how' they will be remembered. Some of the words of the song are as follows:

Did you stand or did you fall?
Build a bridge or build a wall?
Hide your love or give it all?
What did you do? What did you do?

Whether the actions are good or bad is the kicker, we should strive to make...

Every Rug Tells a Story, Part 5, By Guest Blogger - Rennie Roop, March 01, 2021

This story is about fear, or rather overcoming fear.

In 2018, I began planning a trip to Manitoba to see my brother and his family.  What better gift for each of his grandchildren than a photo-based hooked pillow by (great) Auntie Rennie! My ambition was greater than my skill as a new rug hooker.  I had never hooked a face before.  Could I actually replicate a photograph to capture the love I had for these children?  I had to.  And I did!   Ten months, many tears and six pillows later, I...