The Deep Freeze

The above sunrise was yesterday, it was so pretty I had to take a photo.  The saying is 'red sky in the morning, sailors take warning'.  Today we started with freezing rain.  We are expected to be plunged into very cold weather this week.  It was bound to happen right? Speaking of the cold, do you have an over stuffed deep freeze in your home?  I do! I said before Christmas to Charlie, after 'Christmas, we are eating out of our pantries and freezer', only purchasing fruit, veggies and milk!  So far so good, I'm starting to see a few empty spaces but have a long way to go.

I finished whipping the edges of my Leaf Tessellation, Diane Benoit pattern.  Diane finished hers as well so I am placing them both together here.  So fascinating to see how different two rugs can look with a different colour palette.

Della's above.

Diane's above.

I have been working on a few projects, started a new rug of course, one I purchased the pattern last year at rug school and a couple of bundles of hand dyed wool fabric that just spoke to me so I HAD to have them.  We all know what that is like!  I am having fun doing this pattern called Lesley from Encompassing Designs.

I am working on knitting a sweater for a knitting/hooking cruise I will be going on this July.  A few of us going are knitting the same sweater.  Diane Benoit helped me pick colours as I can't be trusted and I think it is looking wonderful so far.

Do you have to have a variety of things to be working on?  I know I do.  I also started last summer doing some paint by number.  I am having fun doing those.  Here is my latest I finished.

I have pulled out a puzzle now to begin.  Love doing puzzles as well.

I have to include this cuteness, my moms cat Barney.  When visiting yesterday he looked so comfy.  I said to my mom, 'put a leash on him and pull him around on the floor and use him as a dust mop!' I think the last time I posted a photo of him was when he was a baby sitting on my moms foot.

In the mail this week; Pauline Verstraten did these lovely little snow people holding a heart valentine.  They are so cute!  Thanks for letting me share Polly.

Kim MacKenzie, the work horse gal who 'gets things done' finished up her Christmas Stocking for next year, pattern by Encompassing Designs.  Kim usually is busy hooking things for other people so nice to see her hook something for herself!  Good job Kimmie!

I hope you have your calendars marked for February 14th and 15th, Dartmouth Crossing at the Hampton Inn, Della's Rug Hooking Studio, Periwinkle Laine and Creative Ewe will be IN DA HOUSE vending!  Can't wait to see you there!  Pre-orders are welcomed! Feb. 14th hours will be 3-8 p.m. and Saturday will be 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Have a great week everyone and stay warm!

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  • You’re a woman of many talents ! It is nice to have several hobbies so you can move from one project to another .That cruise sounds fabulous ! Thanks for sharing all of that inspiration . Love Polly’s snowmen . :)

    • Ursula
  • Hi Della
    You are really on a roll. I love the Leaf Tesselation mats. So interesting to see the different mats and colour choices. Does Diane sell that pattern . If so can you provide details to do so
    Stay warm

    • Maureen ROBERTSON
  • Wow, so many beautiful pieces! Great job everybody!

    • Debra Lynn Ackles Adams