The Calm After, The Two Wind Storms?

It has been a very strange winter here in Nova Scotia so far.  Many ‘wind’ type of storms, the ‘shake the roof’ kind of winds. Now don’t get me wrong, we will get wind living on the coast of The Bay of Fundy, wind is normal. Usually we are having a ton of snow with the wind and this year so far, the snow has been absent, perhaps on holidays?  I was to travel to my daughters in Halifax yesterday but had to stay home due to the storm. Today was beautiful, not at all the weather that is usual for January 14, 2024.

Today I traveled to Buctouche, NB to the cottage to check on things and we were amazed to see these ice shacks being erected to fish on the river.

I have finished hooking my little table runner, working on the whipping now and planning the next table runner needed for the cottage, a nice beachy one.

In the mail this week; Debbie Martin allowed me to share this lovely rug she finished. The background was done with Della's Rug Hooking Studio's wool fabric called Diamond.  A very popular colour.  Thanks Debbie!

I will have some exciting news to share in the next few weeks, stay tuned!

Have a great week everyone!


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1 comment

  • Wouldn’t have thought it has been cold enough to freeze the ice sufficiently for ice fishing! Wow! Your table runner is beautiful!

    • Debra Lynn Ackles Adams