That's a Wrap! April 30, 2023


It is official, we are now into spring!  I know per the calendar it was actually March 20th, 2023 but the beautiful weather and early popping of perennials and the growing green grass will soon need to be mowed are all indicators to me, winter is now behind us.

Last week, I attended the first hook-in, in three years, hosted by the Colchester Heritage Rug Hookers.  It was a fabulous day, lots of people I hadn't seen in awhile.  Below are a few pictures for your enjoyment.

Barb Murray won a beautiful raffle basket.

A bit of progress on my Yellow Flower rug.

In the mail this week; Gayle Wynn shared with me her hooked rug of my pattern called Nova Scotia.  Lovely job Gayle.

Have a great week everyone!

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  • So glad you had a great time ! We surely did and loved having you all over for a hookers party ! Gayle’s mat is so sweet . Love your vase of flowers . Keep on blogging ! :)

    • Ursula
  • Pls let me know of any upcoming events!

    • Brenda Cook Cook
  • Hook-in’s are such fun, and I can almost hear the laughter and happy chattering. How did the group get that name?

    • Lauri Troutman