Sunsets, August 08, 2021

The above sunset picture was posted on Facebook from one of my friends, but do you think I can remember whom I stole it from now? Nope!  Hope they can forgive me.  I never see a sunset, I live on the side of a hill and the sunsets are always on the other side of the hill.  I see lots of sunrises though so that is ok.  Wouldn't this sunset make a fabulous rug?  Let me know if it is your photo so I can give you credit for this wonderful picture.

I have finished my Russian doll (the name I am calling her).  I haven't decided how I want to finish it.  Any suggestions?

I began my first 'cloud' rug.  I have been talking about hooking it for some time now, and it was time to start it!  Below is the original photo I was hoping to duplicate.

My hooking below of the the above picture.

Not quite what I was hoping for but practice, practice right?

In the mail this week, Joan MacFarlane had asked me to 'paint' her a sunset.  Joan had provided a photo she had taken and she wanted to hook it for her brother.  I didn't make any guarantees but I would try.  Below is the picture Joan provided and the yard of wool I painted.  Joan asked for the sky portion.

This is Joan's progress to date, I think it looks wonderful! Thanks Joan for sharing with us!

Have a good week everyone!



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  • That has to be Joan’s sunset. It looks like the same land mass in the background as the sunset she asked you to paint.

    • Audrey Sauder
  • Della ,Love the sunset theme of this blog . Your dyeing is wonderful !

    • Ursula
  • Your doll rug is fabulous and you are doing great on your cloud rug!! Love the sunset colors in your borrowed photo and in Joan’s rug!

    • Debra Ackles Adams