There doesn't seem to be no truer of a statement than at this time. A childhood story comes to mind that I think was called 'Little Red Hen'. I could be wrong but my memory of that story was of the mother hen who needed to plant wheat, no one would help, she needed to tend to the wheat, no one would help, she needed to harvest the wheat, no one would help, she needed to grind the wheat, bake with the wheat, you get the idea. At the end when she had lovely bread baked, everyone wanted that. We each need to do our part and stick together and above all else, be kind to one another. Covid-19 is here to stay, we will be living with it for some time. Help those that you can, always do your best. I like the analogy, 'walk a mile in someone else's shoes' before judging is important. We only know the road we've traveled. I know it is hard to do at times and I struggle with it as well.
Della's Rug Hooking Studio has been busy creating all the wonderful colors that you've come to enjoy. New in the studio are some wonderful textured bundles. Here is a sampling now available from my web site.
In the mail box this week, Jean has finished up some of her rugs for the 'Looking Out My Window With Love' project. The will be enjoyed for sure by front line workers.
Doris has finished up her William Morris rug called Seaweed, pattern from Encompassing Designs. It is a beauty.
Carol Ann is almost done her rug, designed by her. It is lovely.
Linda sent in a picture of her completed rug, it is a pattern from Wild Cranberry Hooked Rugs. It is beautiful.
Stay safe and well everyone. Sunshine helps everyone feel good but remember to wash your hands and don't touch your face.