Rolling Along, On The Road Again

What a week! Fall is rolling along as well as the week. It started with the Friday Friends Hook-In, it was a wonderful time and the Roadies have a few more Jean jackets completed, see below, so much fun! Participants to the hook-in could dress up for the occasion and a few people complied and they were all so cute!

My walkway is now completed. I love it and the little white sheep will show you the way to my door.

Lynne and I, as Co-directors for our Cumberland region for the Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia, attended our first AGM (annual general meeting) and it was held in Yarmouth, NS. What a great weekend. There were some lovely rugs that were taken to this event to be judged as best mat in the Maritimes, and there were two categories, traditional and other.  Congrats to everyone who submitted as we are all winners as we make rugs and get to hang with like minded people who share our love of rug hooking. A few pictures for your enjoyment of our weekend.

Congrats Monica on your traditional Rug above, so lovely.

Congrats Judy on your lovely rug above for 'Other' category.

In the mail this week
, Charlene Frehlick had finished up this lovely rug. Her grandmothers home where she was born and raised.

Lillian Dunlap shared this cute little rug she hooked, pattern by Della’s Rug Hooking.

Have a great week everyone!




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  • I love those jackets! And what a fun time you all must have had.

    • Andrée Gross
  • Thanks for sharing the photos of those beautiful rugs! Looks like everyone had a great time at the AGM! I also love your walk way , love hearing your updates!

    • Cathy Michael
  • Della you and Lynne looked like you had a fabulous time in Yarmouth!! Good for you❤️the pictures

    • Joann Hudson
  • Beautiful rugs! LOVE the walkway! You sure are one busy Happy Hooker :)

    • Debra Lynn Ackles Adams