Remembrance, November 09, 2020

We are reminded each November, to remember those who have fought for our country and freedom. We should never take our freedom for granted. I have seen during this COVID year, references being made to our forefathers, how we should be able to self isolate and wear a mask, at least we didn’t have to send our children off to war. We have a lot to be thankful for.

I worked a bit on my Denver Fish rug, I’ll have it finished in no time. Working on the trees behind him.

I had surgery this week on my knee. I had hurt it a year ago (torn meniscus), so I am happy to finally have it dealt with. I’ll be right as rain before you know it! Thank you so much to everyone who has called to check up on me, gave me desserts, meals (casserole & chilli) and biscuits/rolls, put away my Halloween things, carried my groceries in, taken the garbage down the hill, waited on me, you know who you are and I so appreciate you all! I’m on the mend. Chubs likes to snuggle up with me.

This week in the mail, I don’t have any customer rugs to share with you this week. I’ve been working on designing my motif for a ‘carpet bag’ course I will be taking online with Susan Clarke later this month. I’ve always wanted to hook a carpet bag so I’m looking forward to it. Since I had lots of ‘rest time’ this week, I’ve been sketching ideas and what I’ve learned each time I’ve sketched, I’ve learned what I like and what I don’t like, I can feel my design getting refined and closer to what I want. I think I want Paisley’s so I’m working around that. Below is the latest sketch, I’ve even been thinking of my hand dyed wool colours I want to use.

Have a great week everyone!

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