New Addition, November 02, 2020

Some of you may have heard about our new addition to our family, Chubs is his name and he’s 9 weeks old. He is a sweetheart so far, we love him.

I have made great progress on my Denver Fishing rug. For those who may not know, I’ve re-hooked this child’s mouth at least a zillion times, I don’t exaggerate at all (rolling my eyes). I give up and I’m calling it a day on his facial features. I am very happy to continue on with the rest of the rug. My grandson, who is now almost 11, said the fish Grammy should be silver with purple circles. I said not today they aren’t lol. This rug is from a picture I had taken of him when he was 3 years old and had gone fishing with Grampy.

This week in the mail, Rennie was into the studio to do some shopping and shared her sweet little rug. The second picture is a close up of her brick background, the top brick was done with my Sterling Silver hand dyed wool fabric and the bottom is using my Smoke N Mirrors hand dyed wool fabric. The third picture has the cat faces adhered that Rennie bought. So cute.


Teralisa shared her finished rug with us, it is beautiful, Teralisa is a natural.

Kathy shared with me her ‘heart’ rug she did with proddy. She used my Fantasia hand dyed fabric. Isn’t it pretty?

Have an awesome week everyone. I know it will be difficult getting use to the time change but we can do it!



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