Wow, where did the month of January go? I'm sure you have heard that the months of January and February are usually the hardest for people, partly due to the short daylight we get. I know time seemed to fly when my children were young, then working life, but now that I am retired, time isn't going any slower! Seems to be going faster! I blink and a whole week goes by and I wonder, what did I do? Why are we so focused on 'accomplishing' things or being productive every day? I read an article that we should take time to simply do nothing for an entire day. Have you done that? I haven't unless I'm sick! I think I need to learn to relax and do nothing from time to time, try it out anyway.
The above photo my daughter had taken of her husband and daughter making their version of a snowman. Halifax hasn't gotten much snow this winter so far so they were taking advantage of the great snow weather they had for a few days. I enjoy winter and if it is going to be cold, we my as well have the snow to go with it.
Speaking of being productive, I haven't been productive in the area of my unfinished rug hooking projects. I have been working a bit on my Russian Alphabet rug but started a new project, I hooked a poppy in the trash bin and want to place a couple more towards the back but haven't got back to it.
In the mail this week; Lynne Lines finished up her Pansy chair pad. Looks lovely!
Mary Hann shared her rug she finished hooking, the wool fabric was supplied by Della's Rug Hooking Studio. Beatiful job Mary! Just the finishing left to do!
There are still spots available at the Villa Madonna, Feb. 13, 14, 15, 16, in Rothesay, NB. If you are interested in hanging out with like minded folks, stuffing our bellies, wool shopping and simply enjoying each other's company, why don't you join us? You can email me for details at
Have a good week everyone!
All these hooked items are lovely. Perhaps you get enough rest and down time when you are hooking, so maybe you don’t have to practice further. Hmmm?
Awesome snowman!!! Not liking the weather again this year!!! Too much rain and not enough snow…lol
That’s quite the snow"man/woman" :) I’m really good at doing nothing the whole day long! Mind you, I have more practice being retired. Keep trying Sista, you will get the hang of it and love it :)