You have all heard before I am sure, kids keep you young. It is really true. Last weekend I spent time with an almost 3 year old and this weekend my 12 year old grandson (Denver) and his friend. As we age, we need to keep moving or else everything seizes up! My granddaughter last weekend kept me running, 'come meme' from one activity to another. This weekend I took the boys bowling and Denver's friend had brought his VR (virtual reality) game. The kids wanted me to try it out and I never laughed so hard. I couldn't believe how 'real' it felt, made me a little dizzy as well. Great fun! Keeps one smiling.
I worked a bit on my geometric, but not much.
In the mail this week; Lynne Lines finished up her beautiful sunflowers, pattern by Susan Logue. The background and whipping is Wonderous, wool yarn and fabric to match from Della's Rug Hooking Studio.
Diane Benoit shared her lovely church she hooked for her mother. The church was tore down so this is a lovely memory rug. The church Diane used Pixie Dust, supplied by Della's Rug Hooking studio but combined a few strands of natural wool yarn to go with it and it works wonderfully.
Have a good week everyone!
They certainly do keep us young for sure Della. I bet you slept well! 😘
Just wondering if this church might be in Minudie, NS as it certainly reminds of it! Precious memories! ❤️
Love your geometric! And Diane’s sky!!
I have to agree, kids and Grandkids and Great Grandkids keep you young (and sore sometimes LOL). Enjoy every minute you can with them. Beautiful rugs this week!!
Beautiful rugs shown today, and I liked your message about how children keep us young and keep us moving…… have a great week Della