Today is International Rug Hooking Day. A day that all fibre artists celebrate their wonderful craft they call rug hooking. In 1994, The International Guild of Handhooking Rug Makers (TIGHR) was formulated, it's focus to spread friendship, exploring the different rug making techniques used world wide. I helped celebrate 'twice', Friday evening on Zoom with Winnie Glavine and Robin Whitford co-hosting the zoom. I believe we had around 40 participants. Below is a picture from the computer. Today I sat in on the Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia where approximately 65 people participated from all over the world. So enjoyable to listen and talk with other like minded people. I hope you were able to pull a loop or two this weekend.
Last week I was fortunate to attend a two day 'big cut' shaded flower course with Dwight Gallagher. Below is a picture of our group (minus me as I was taking the photo) and a few pictures below of two finished pansies, Diane Benoit and mine except I need to whip mine.
I had my daughters family for the weekend and miss Sophie and I enjoyed each other's company. She helped me make supper Friday night and we both have our aprons on.
In the mail this week; two finished Nutcrackers, first by Helen Valentin and the second by Bonnie Daclerno. Both lovely, thanks ladies for sharing. Pattern by Della's Rug Hooking Studio.
We are on a Christmas theme, Diane Benoit had shared with me her finished tree skirt, just the whipping to be done and I forgot to share it on my blog last week. Sorry Diane! Lovely rug.
Have a great week everyone!
What wonderful times together, friends and laughter, while producing these beautiful projects! This blog seems extra special!
Sounds like you had a fun and busy week!