Finishing Projects

Do you get bogged down with unfinished projects? It seems I have had a few outstanding ones laying around even for me who tries to keep a few on the go at all times but even for me, this was too much.

I finished up a couple of Ruth Downing courses, a Study of Trees and Cardinal rugs.  The Cardinal I made into a pillow.


My Dahlia I started at the NS Rug School this year in May, I have finally finished that project as well. The class was taught by Sue Perry from Ontario.

In the mail this week; Lynne Lines finished this cute rug she did for a wedding gift of the couples pug dog.

Mary McCurdy shared her rug using up strips of wool she had on hand.

Polly Verstraten shared her 'emotional support chicken' she had done.  It is so cute.

Susanne Martin finished up her this lovely Encompassing Designs pattern. Good job Susanne.

Have a great week everyone!  Try to stay cool, we've been having a lot of heat warnings lately.

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  • I love your background on the Dalia Della!

    • Pat
  • Beautiful rugs, all of them!

    • Debra Lynn Ackles Adams
  • Lots of pretty 😍 rugs in your blog today….I am enjoying them..I’m 😉 loving all the bright colors…

    • Derrah Linda