Every Rug Tells a Story, Part 2, By Guest Blogger - Rennie Roop, July 05, 2020

Let me share my husband’s story mat with you.  It represents his passion for musical instruments, nature photography, his Maritime roots and his affection for the Blackfish clan in a tiny coastal village in northern B.C. In an online lesson from Cindi Gay, I learned how to write a secret message on the back of a rug.  This mat includes the secret code we used during our courtship when we were living in different provinces.  Can you guess what WAWBBOL might mean?  The first word is With.


Thank you Rennie, you will have to share with us for those who may not have guessed what the 'secret code' translated to.

It is wonderful to see old friends one hasn't seen in awhile. Lynn took the photo at the beginning of this blog. We have known each other since high school. The below is Lynn's progress on her lupin rug. She is doing a fabulous job.

I have worked more this last week on my grandson's fish rug than I have in awhile and I think I'm finally getting some where with his face. I still have tweaking to do but for now I'm leaving it alone. The word Toronto in his sweater, you will notice the yellow, this is only holding the spot for me to insert white wool fabric. I don't want the red dust from the wool fabric from the sweat shirt to get on the white so I'll probably do the white last. I'm not happy with the stick but it is okay for now, I can always change it right?

Have an awesome week everyone, stop in to see me!

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