I grew up reading and telling stories. Then I became a teacher, and continued storytelling to children. When recovering from breast cancer and chemotherapy, I became a storyteller in women’s recovery shelters in British Columbia.
The women loved hearing about the angel who visited me when I was struggling. She was wearing an emerald green dress and was standing by my bedside. My first thought was that she was a drug-induced hallucination. And then I wondered… was she a real angel come to comfort me? Hallucination or visitation; I felt comforted by her presence.
Twenty years later, I purchased Edie Arsenault’s stained glass angel pattern. It was my way of honoring my cancer recovery and the angel who comforted me. It took me several years to gain the skills to attempt her. The stained glass technique for her dress and star bursts went well. But I hooked the angel’s arms, face and feet three times. Once they were too pale, and she looked ghostly. Then, she was too rosey. So I blended pink and cocoa one evening, using artificial light. It didn’t look as wonderful in the daylight, but, sometimes good enough is good enough. So, here she is, all ready to hang over my workplace, still watching over me.
This week in the mail, Jan, local tapestry artist, shared a couple of projects she is working on. A wool applique and a hooked rug. Aren't they beautiful?
Amanda, shared a rug she just finished, her design. Amanda is a new rug hooker and is doing a fabulous job!
Kim shared her work in progress, a Christine Little design. It is very pretty.
Each Monday, I advertise a 'feature' product from my studio and I believe I've gone through most of my products. What would you like to see tomorrow? Drop me a note with your thoughts.
Have a good week everyone!