The picture above is another project completed, my Valentine rug. I crochet the edge and it is now ready to hang on my wall. This pattern is available in my shop.
I have one outstanding project left to do, my daughter Jenna's 'donut rug', do I pick that up and try to finish or do I start my new project I showed you the wool I had dyed for in last weeks blog? Which would you pick? New project? Yes me too!
My mother had made me and my siblings each a quilt and I love mine, it is salmon colors. I had dyed some wool up for the 'large flower with torn strips' class for Jean that was salmon in color which got me to thinking about continuing to dye more salmon colors for my rug I want to make to go on my bedroom floor that will be similar to my quilt, not exact but similar in color and design.
Below is Jean's completed large flower chair pad, it is lovely.
Kim MacKenzie finished her large flower chair pad as well, see below, it is also very pretty.
I drew out the quilt pattern this afternoon and began hooking. It is coming along nicely I think. Looks like an 'inch mat' at the moment.
Below is a picture of my quilt my mom made me.
Last Monday, I attended the regular Monday hooking in Northport, NS. If you get the chance, drop in as it is a great group of ladies and gents, they meet every Monday from 10-2 at the Northport Community Center, everyone is welcome to attend. I have been so looking forward to heading to Northport to hook. When I was first married, we lived in Northport and I'll never forget the wonderful community of people there. Lots of fond memories.
I spent a few days in Halifax last week visiting my daughter Jenna, husband, Max and granddaughter, Sophie. Sophie is now 8 weeks old and I couldn't resist posting some pictures of the little sweetie. She is growing fast. Below I got a laugh out of Sophie's diaper. Her mother and father are using cloth diapers and this one is so cute!
Mamma and Sophie.
She's soooo cute! Grammy's girl!
Have an awesome week everyone!