Easter, April 13, 2020

Happy Easter to my family, friends and customers. I hope you took the time today to be grateful and thankful for all that you have. As most of you, our Easter here was different than other years. No family get together, we did face-time though which was nice. Do you ever wonder how the bunny and eggs came to be at Easter time? Random thought I know but each year I always shake my head about that.

What has been going on in your world? I sure hope you are staying home as much as you can. We need to get things back to 'normal' sooner than later for all of our sake. I hope you are reaching out (calling) to those that may be alone. Stay connected as much as possible through the phone and internet. I watched Jann Arden (Canadian singer) this afternoon walking her dog outside of where she lives as she chatted live on Facebook. It was all so natural and serene and she usually is pretty up front with her thoughts and she tried to give assurance that things will get better, if together we keep doing what we are doing. She gave praise to our government and her concern for homes that may not be the greatest for children and her fears for them. She talked of a friend of hers that she speaks to often that helps ground her and calm her nerves so to speak. If you get the chance I'm sure you can see her video.

What have I been up to the last week? Dyeing wool and completing customer orders. I sure hope the mail doesn't stop as so many of you are in need of hand dyed beautiful wool. Another one of my brother in-law's beautiful hand crafted floor frames went to another good home this week. I haven't pulled a loop all week, there just hasn't been time. There is that word, 'time'. I should have loads of 'time' being at home but as long as orders keep coming in, I have my at home business to keep running and my grandson here. Online school started last week so I'm trying to help my grandson with that. We assembled a BBQ last week. I had never put one together and was frankly scared as I have heard stories of how many pieces goes into building a BBQ. All I can say is it wasn't too difficult. The instructions were awful and thankfully my grandson is very smart and was able to trouble shoot and problem solve when we got hung up. It took at least a couple of hours but we were determined to have BBQ supper that night, we did but it was a bit later than usual but it was fabulous. We make a great team!

I don't have any correspondence to share this week from the 'mail box'. Been pretty quiet that way. Everyone must have their nose to the grind, rug hooking every opportunity they can.

I have finished early with all my product updates to my web page, they are now complete! YEAHHH! Every opportunity last week I was working away on that. Have a look and let me know if you see anything that doesn't look right, I'd really like to know. I have a few more pictures to update but that won't get updated until I dye the wool needed for the pictures.

I began last week with a Monday Virtual Shopping on my Della's Rug Hooking Facebook page. Stay tuned tomorrow for the highlighted colours I'll be posting.

I hope you have an awesome week, hang in there, keep washing your hands, stay in touch with your neighbours, relatives and friends. We need each other. Be kind to one another.

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