Early Mornings

I remember hearing long ago, the older you get, the less sleep you need.  Have you heard that? I remember working with a lady named Ann, who was older than me, and she was up every day at 4:30 a.m.  She said she couldn't sleep longer. I thought that was NUTS! It has now become my norm.  How did that happen?  I have always been a morning person, getting lots of things done early but 4:30 a.m.? That is NUTS! If you aren't in the early morning camp, ok I am jealous of you.

I have worked a bit on my granddaughters Christmas stocking.  It will take some time as I am sculpting the head and anyone who has sculpted, knows it takes time.  The ears are done but that is it.

We had our 'pot luck' last Monday in Northport to close out 2024.  Lots of goodies to eat. I wanted to show you these deviled eggs. Lynne Lines and her husband Wayne made these and they look so festive and pretty I had to share.

In the mail this week; Diane Benoit finished up her Winter Wonderland. Beautiful job just the border to finish up.

Polly Verstraten finished up her Goose last week, it is so cute.

Joyce Baxter shared a couple of rugs she finished. The first was sketched out by her 7 year old granddaughter called The Sea.  Well done!  Joyce also finished up her mussel rug, it is also lovely, thanks for sharing.

Jean Fawthrop finished up this lovely pattern by Periwinkle Laine called Bloomin Poppies.

Have a great week everyone!

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1 comment

  • Beautiful rugs! You know I am NOT in the early morning club LOL and 4:30 am is way too early for anybody to be up!

    • Debra Lynn Ackles Adams