Things are escalating day by day and sometimes hour by hour. We won't focus on that today as it is a choice what we decide to watch on TV, how we feel about social distancing, being confined at home, I choose to look on the brighter side of things. People pulling together helping one another, i.e. making face masks for the health care workers that are needed, putting up decorations/symbols in our windows, hanging outdoor Christmas lights to give hope, the many videos going around showing how countries are 'choosing' to look on the bright side with music (Italy singing from their balconies). The many musicians streaming music to give us hope, encouragement and to lift us up emotionally. I personally believe they have put their music out there just for me but I can share. The photo above is from my friend Shelley who is making a cushion using the words we are hearing daily, 'stay home'. When this is over she said every time she looks at the cushion she will be reminded of this time.
Here is my contribution to lifting you up and perhaps getting a smile or laugh out of you because I wouldn't share this with just anyone. My daughter Jenna and I, face timing. Lrdy is all I can say. My grandson Denver enjoyed putting this lovely look together for me. Jenna, Denver and I were laughing so hard we were crying.
I did get some time this week to work on my Cardinal Christmas Tree Skirt. I got the cardinals done. It is amazing how fast time flies. I am personally quite happy being home, home is my favorite place to be. For some reason I've been baking like crazy, my empty freezer is now full of bread that didn't rise as it should have and I kept on making it. I see home made bread and peanut butter in my future.
My brother in-law, Leslie has made me a floor stand to sell in my studio. I have never used a floor stand so I wasn't sure what to expect and boy do I love mine!
I did a 'live' broadcast of me dyeing 1 Pot Parley. A Wanda Kerr method I had seen years ago that I shared on my facebook page/groups. Below is the bundle result.
Lucy Richard (Wooly Mason Jar) shared her dyeing microwave methods as well over the weekend and used Zoom meeting which I thought worked very well for everyone watching and listening. It is so wonderful when we share knowledge.
Barb had asked for a sky sunset of orange and yellow. I painted up some wool for her project and I think it is working very well in her project. Have a look.
This week in the mail, Lisa has finished her sea horse pattern by Kay LeFevre. Lisa tried punching for the first time and I think she did an awesome job. Lisa will share another photo once she has the edges done and she is adding sea glass as embellishments.
Shelley finished hooking her pattern by Encompassing Designs called Shirley. All of the wool except the background came from Della's Rug Hooking Studio. I love how Shelley did the flowers, it is beautiful. Shelley will share another photo once she gets the edges done.
Stay safe everyone, stay home and enjoy each moment as they come, it is a choice remember.