Canadian Thanksgiving, 2023

Another trip around the sun. Do times like this make you reflect on the past a bit, do you recognize changes around you, in you? Do you think about accomplishments attained or denied? Shoulda, woulda, coulda seems to always hang around.

This I know for sure, time waits for no one and goes faster the older one gets.  I know I think about how it was possible a year has gone by. Don’t blink and be thankful for all you have around you, friends and family are the true yardstick. 

What have I been up to lately since my last blog?  I vended at the annual Northport Loopers Hook-In. It was a wonderful day and I thank all those who continue to support my business, I do not take you for granted! A few pictures for you to enjoy.


The Northport Loopers worked on this lovely rug below to donate to Pedvac in Port Elgin, New Brunswick, with the hopes they can sell tickets on it and make some money. It is our way of giving back for all of their kindness to our group.

In the mail this week; Shelley Myers finished this sweet rug for fall.

Tanya McNutt finished this huge beautiful rug. 

Kim MacKenzie finished up this Nutcracker. Pattern by Della’s Rug Hooking Studio.

Have a great week everyone!

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  • It is so true about life moving so quickly . Love your phrase about family & friends being the true yardstick . Great to see the finished donation piece …spectacular colour choices . Glad you used a couple of my pics in the blog . It’s so nice to see what everyone is working on and that was a great pic of you with all of your fabulous wools . :) Keep up the great work . Love your blog .

    • Ursula
  • Wonderful blog about being thankful! Beautiful rugs! Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Debra Lynn Ackles Adams